Facail a’ tòiseachadh le:
- Na Bahàmas
- The Bahamas
- n(pl)
- (nam) Bahàmas - The Bahamas poss c
- Co-fhlaitheas nam Bahàmas Commonwealth of the Bahamas
- eileanan nam Bahàmas islands of the Bahamas
- Subject: Geography
- Na Balcans
- Balkans
- nam Balcans - Balkans poss c
- cultar nam Balcans culture of the Balkans
- Subject: Geography
- Na Beanntan Appalachian
- Appalachian Mountains
- muinntir nam Beanntan Appalachian people of the Appalachian Mountains
- Subject: Geography
- Na Brecon Beacons
- Brecon Beacons
- n(pl)
- nam Brecon Beacons - Brecon Beacons poss c
- Pàirc Nàiseanta Nam Brecon Beacons Brecon Beacons National Park
- Subject: Geography
- Na Cealla Beaga
- Killybegs
- Subject: Geography
- Na Comoros
- Comoros
- n(pl)
- Na Comoros - Comoros poss c
- Poblachd Ioslamach nan Comoros Islamic Republic of the Comoros
- Subject: Geography
- Na Downs a Deas
- South Downs
- n(pl)
- nan Downs a Deas - South Downs poss c
- Pàirce Nàiseanta nan Downs a Deas South Downs National Park
- Subject: Geography
- Na Downs a Tuath
- North Downs
- n(pl)
- nan Downs a Tuath - North Downs poss c
- Na Downs a Tuath ann an ear-dheas Shasainn North Downs in south east England
- Subject: Geography
- Na Fens
- The Fens
- n(pl)
- nam Fens - The Fens poss c
- tuathanachas anns na Fens farming in The Fens
- Subject: Geography
- Na Filipìonan
- The Philippines
- n(pl)
- nam Filipìonan - Philippines poss c
- Poblachd nam Filipìonan Republic of The Philippines
- Subject: Geography
- na Fir Chlis
- Aurora Borealis
- n(pl)
- Subject: Science
- Na Gaibhlte
- Galty Mts
- Subject: Geography
- Na Gleannta
- Glenties
- Subject: Geography
- Na h-Alps
- Alps
- beanntan nan Alps mountains of the Alps
- Subject: Geography
- Na h-Andes
- Andes
- àrd-thalamh nan Andes highlands of the Andes
- Subject: Geography
- Na h-Eileanan a-Muigh
- Outer Hebrides
- n(pl)
- muinntir nan Eileanan a-Muigh people of the Outer Hebrides
- Subject: Geography
- Na h-Eileanan a-Staigh
- Inner Hebrides
- n(pl)(m)
- muinntir nan Eileanan a-Staigh people of the Inner Hebrides
- Subject: Geography
- Na h-Eileanan Faclanach
- Falklands
- n(pl)
- nan Eilean Faclanach - Falklands poss c
- Cogadh nan Eilean Faclanach the Falklands War
- Subject: Geography
- Na h-Eileanan Mòra
- Shiant (Isles)
- n(pl)
- eòin-mara nan Eileanan Mòra seabirds of the Shiants
- Subject: Geography
- Na h-Emirates Arabach Aonaichte
- United Arab Emirates
- n(pl)
- nan Emirates Arabach Aonaichte - United Arab Emirates poss c
- ceanna-bhaile nan Emirates Arabach Aonaichte capital of United Arab Emirates
- Subject: Geography
- Na h-Innseachan
- India
- n(pl)
- nan Innseachan - India poss c
- beanntan nan Innseachan mountains of India
- Na h-Innseachan gu 647 India to 647
- Subject: Geography
- Na h-Innseachan an Iar
- West Indies
- nan Innseachan an Iar - West Indies poss c
- eileanan nan Innseachan an Iar islands of the West Indies
- Subject: Geography
- Na Hearadh
- Harris
- beanntan na Hearadh Harris hills
- Caolas na Hearadh Sound of Harris
- Subject: Geography
- Na Maldives
- Maldives
- n(pl)
- nam Maldives - Maldives poss c
- eaconamaidh nam Maldives economy of the Maldives
- Subject: Geography
- Na Marianas a Tuath
- Northern Marianas
- n(pl)
- nam Marianas a Tuath - Northern Marianas poss c
- Eileanan nam Marianas a Tuath Northern Marianas Islands
- Subject: Geography
- Na Pennines
- Pennines
- n(pl)
- nam Pennines - Pennines poss c
- gnàth-shìde nam Pennines climate of the Pennines
- Subject: Geography
- Na Puballan
- Peebles
- Seann Eaglais nam Puballan Peebles Old Parish Church
- Subject: Geography
- Na Rockies
- Rocky Mountains
- stùcan nan Rockies peaks of the Rocky Mountains
- Subject: Geography
- Na Sailtí
- Saltee Islands
- Subject: Geography
- Na Seychelles
- Seychelles
- n(pl)
- nan Seychelles - Seychelles poss c
- Poblachd Eileanan nan Seychelles Island Republic of the Seychelles
- Subject: Geography
- Na Sidlaws
- Sidlaw Hills
- n(pl)
- stùcan nan Sidlaws peaks of the Sidlaw Hills
- Subject: Geography
- Na Stàitean Aonaichte
- United States of America
- n(pl)
- nan Stàitean Aonaichte - United States of America poss c
- ceann a deas meadhan nan Stàitean Aonaichte south central United States
- ceann a tuath meadhan nan Stàitean Aonaichte north central United States
- Ceann-suidhe nan Stàitean Aonaichte President of the United States of America
- ear-dheas nan Stàitean Aonaichte southeastern United States
- ear-thuath nan Stàitean Aonaichte northeastern United States
- Na Stàitean Aonaichte United States
- Na Stàitean Aonaichte an iar western United States
- Subject: Geography
- nàdar
- knowability
- n(m)
- nàdair - knowability poss c
- bith, nàdar agus feartan Dhè existence, knowability and attributes of God
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- nàdar
- nature
- n(m)
- nàdair - nature poss c
- Achd Glèidhteachas Nàdair Nature Conservation Act
- Glèidhteachas Nàdair Nature Conservancy
- tèarmann nàdair nature reserve
- Tèarmann Nàdair Mara Marine Nature Reserve
- Tèarmann Nàdair Nàiseanta National Nature Reserve
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- nàdarra
- natural
- adj
- àrainneachd nàdarra natural environment
- cruth-tìre nàdarra natural landscape
- cuspairean àraid ann an eachdraidh nàdarra specific topics in natural history
- eachdraidh nàdarra natural history
- eachdraidh nàdarra fhàs-bheairtean natural history of organisms
- feallsanachd nàdarra natural philosophy
- gàbhadh nàdarra natural disaster
- gas nàdarra natural gas
- levée nàdarra natural levée
- lùghdachadh nàdarra natural decrease
- matamataig nàdarra natural mathematics
- meudachadh nàdarra natural increase
- olc nàdarra natural evil
- saidheansan nàdarra natural sciences
- sgìre le sàr-bhòidhchead nàdarra area of outstanding natural beauty
- stòrasan nàdarra natural resources
- tachartas nàdarra natural phenomenon
- taghadh nàdarra natural selection
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- nàdarrach
- natural
- adj
- Subject: General
- naidheachd
- news
- n(f)
- naidheachd - news poss cnews - naidheachdan pl
- meadhanan naidheachd, obair-naidheachd agus foillseachadh news media, journalism and publishing
- naidheachdan foghlaim education news
- Seirbheis Naidheachdan Foghlaim LTS LTS Education News Service
- Subject: General
- Naimibia
- Namibia
- n(m/f)
- Naimibia - Namibia poss c
- Poblachd Naimibia Republic of Namibia
- Subject: Geography
- nàiseanta
- national
- adj
- buidhnean nàiseanta Glow national Glow groups
- crìoch nàiseanta national boundary
- goireasan airson Theisteanas Nàiseanta resources for National Qualifications
- lìonra nàiseanta bhaidhsagal national cycle network
- pàirce nàiseanta national park
- Partaidh Nàiseanta na h-Alba Scottish National Party
- prìomhachasan nàiseanta ann am foghlam national priorities in education
- Tèarmann Nàdair Nàiseanta National Nature Reserve
- Teisteanais Nàiseanta National Qualifications
- Urras Nàiseanta National Trust
- Subject: General
- naisgear
- conjunction
- n(m)
- naisgeir - conjunction poss cconjunctions - naisgearan pl
- Subject: Language
- naitridean
- nitrogen
- n(m)
- naitridein - nitrogen poss c
- naitridean ogsaid nitrogen oxide
- Subject: Science
- naochad
- ninety
- n(f) / adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- naoi
- nine
- n(f) / adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- naoi-deug
- nineteen
- n(f) / adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- naoidheamh
- ninth
- adj
- an naoidheamh fear/tè the ninth one
- Subject: Mathematics
- naoidheamh
- ninth
- n(m)
- naoidheimh - ninth poss cninths - naoidheamhan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- naomh
- saint
- n(m)
- naoimh - saint poss csaints - naoimh pl
- Latha Naomh Anndra St Andrew's Day
- Naomh Anndra St Andrew
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- naomh
- sacred
- adj
- teacsa naomh sacred text
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- naomh
- holy
- adj
- An t-Eilean Naomh Holy Island
- baile naomh holy city
- leabhar naomh holy book
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- nas àirde
- higher
- comp
- Subject: Mathematics
- nas àirde
- taller
- comp
- Subject: Mathematics
- nas aotruime
- lighter
- comp
- Subject: Mathematics
- nas cuinge
- narrower
- comp
- Subject: Mathematics
- nas fhaide
- longer
- comp
- Subject: Mathematics
- nas giorra
- shorter
- comp
- Subject: Mathematics
- nas ìsle
- lower
- comp
- teirm nas ìsle lower term
- Subject: Mathematics
- nas leatha
- broader
- comp
- Subject: Mathematics
- nas leatha
- wider
- comp
- Subject: Mathematics
- nas leithne
- broader
- comp
- Subject: Mathematics
- nas leithne
- wider
- comp
- Subject: Mathematics
- nas lugha
- less
- comp
- nas lugha na less than
- Subject: Mathematics
- nas lugha
- smaller
- comp
- Subject: Mathematics
- nas motha
- larger
- comp
- Subject: Mathematics
- nas motha
- bigger
- comp
- Subject: Mathematics
- nas motha na
- greater than
- comp
- Subject: Mathematics
- nas sìmplidh(e)
- simpler
- comp
- Subject: Mathematics
- nas taine
- thinner
- comp
- Subject: Mathematics
- nas tighe
- thicker
- comp
- Subject: Mathematics
- nas truime
- heavier
- comp
- Subject: Mathematics
- Nàsach
- Nazi
- n(m)
- Nàsaich - Nazi poss cNazis - Nàsaich pl
- Subject: General
- Nàsach
- Nazi
- adj
- a' bhratach Nàsach the Nazi flag
- Am Partaidh Nàsach The Nazi Party
- bratach Nàsach Nazi flag
- Subject: General
- nathair-ghlagain
- rattlesnake
- n(f)
- nathrach-glagain - rattlesnake poss crattlesnakes - nathraichean-glagain pl
- Subject: Science
- nathair-mhara
- sea snake
- n(f)
- nathrach-mara - sea snake poss csea snakes - nathraichean-mara pl
- nathair-mhara na broinne buidhe yellow-bellied sea snake
- Subject: Science
- Nauru
- Nauru
- n(m/f)
- Nauru - Nauru poss c
- Eilean Nauru Island of Nauru
- Subject: Geography
- neach-aithne
- contact
- n(m)
- neach-aithne - contact poss ccontacts - luchd-aithne pl
- rianachd luchd-aithne contact management
- Subject: Computing
- neach-anailis
- analyst
- n(m)
- neach-anailis - analyst poss canalysts - luchd-anailis pl
- Àrd-Neach-anailis, Seirbheis Bhrathan Dàta Senior Analyst Data Messaging Service
- neach-anailis gnothachais business analyst
- neach-anailis shiostaman systems analyst
- neach-anailis siostaman fiosrachaidh information systems analyst
- neach-anailis siostaman gnothachais business systems analyst
- Subject: General
- neach-ceannaich
- customer
- n(m)
- neach-ceannaich - customer poss ccustomers - luchd-ceannaich pl
- goireasan luchd-ceannaich a-mhàin toilets for customers only
- manaidsear seirbheisean luchd-ceannaich customer services manager
- seirbheisean luchd-ceannaich customer services
- Subject: General
- neach-clàraidh
- registrar
- n(m)
- neach-clàraidh - registrar poss cregistrars - luchd-clàraidh pl
- iar-neach-clàraidh assistant registrar
- Subject: General
- neach-cleachdaidh
- user
- n(m)
- neach-chleachdaidh - user poss cusers - luchd-cleachdaidh pl
- ainm neach-cleachdaidh user name
- ceàrnaidh neach-cleachdaidh user locale
- còraichean neach-cleachdaidh user rights
- cunntas neach-cleachdaidh user account
- furasta a chleachdadh user-friendly
- iomradh neach-cleachdaidh user profile
- neach-cleachdaidh deireannach end user
- Riaghladh Cunntas Neach-cleachdaidh User Account Control
- Subject: Computing
- neach-cleachdaidh
- customer
- n(m)
- neach-cleachdaidh - customer poss ccustomers - luchd-cleachdaidh pl
- manaidsear seirbheisean luchd-cleachdaidh customer services manager
- seirbheisean luchd-cleachdaidh customer services
- Subject: General
- neach-cleachdaidh deireannach
- end user
- n(m)
- neach-chleachdaidh dheireannaich - end user poss cend users - luchd-cleachdaidh deireannach pl
- Subject: Computing
- neach-comhairle
- adviser
- n(m)
- neach-comhairle - adviser poss cadvisers - luchd-comhairle pl
- neach-comhairle dhreuchdan career adviser
- Subject: General
- neach-cuir
- sender
- n(m)
- neach-cuir - sender poss csenders - luchd-cuir pl
- liosta luchd-cuir earbsach safe senders list
- Subject: Computing
- neach-dìon
- protector
- n(m)
- neach-dìon - protector poss cprotectors - luchd-dìon pl
- Subject: General
- neach-diùltaidh cogaiseach
- conscientious objector
- n phr
- bha e na fhear-diùltaidh cogaiseach he was a conscientious objector
- Subject: General
- neach-eag-thurais
- eco-tourist
- n(m)
- neach-eag-thurais - eco-tourist poss ceco-tourists - luchd-eag-thurais pl
- Subject: Geography
- neach-eagrachaidh
- organiser
- n(m)
- neach-eagrachaidh - organiser poss corganisers - luchd-eagrachaidh pl
- Subject: General
- neach-faighinn
- recipient
- n(m)
- neach-faighinn - recipient poss crecipients - luchd-faighinn pl
- liosta luchd-faighinn earbsach safe recipients list
- Subject: Computing
- neach-fastaidh
- employer
- n(m)
- neach-fastaidh - employer poss cemployers - luchd-fastaidh pl
- compàirteachas le luchd-fastaidh partnership with employers
- Subject: General
- neach-glèidhteachais
- conservationist
- n(m)
- neach-glèidhteachais - conservationist poss cconservationists - luchd-glèidhteachais pl
- Subject: General
- neach-ionnsachaidh
- learner
- n(m)
- neach-ionnsachaidh - learner poss clearners - luchd-ionnsachaidh pl
- còraichean luchd-ionnsachaidh learner entitlements
- luchd-ionnsachaidh soirbheachail successful learners
- Subject: General
- neach-iùil
- guide
- n(m)
- neach-iùil - guide poss cguides - luchd-iùil pl
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- neach-leasachaidh
- developer
- n(m)
- neach-leasachaidh - developer poss cdevelopers - luchd-leasachaidh pl
- neach-leasachaidh foghlaim educational developer
- neach-leasachaidh lìn web developer
- neach-leasachaidh luchd-obrach staff developer
- neach-leasachaidh seirbheis teicneòlais technology service developer
- Subject: General
- neach-taic
- accompanist
- n(m)
- neach-taic - accompanist poss caccompanists - luchd-taic pl
- dreuchd an neach-taic role of the accompanist
- gun neach-taic without accompanist
- Subject: Music
- neach-taice
- assistant
- n(m)
- neach-taice - assistant poss cassistants - luchd-taice pl
- àrd-neach-taice executive assistant
- iar-chunntasair assistant accountant
- iar-neach-clàraidh assistant registrar
- neach-taice chunntasan accounts assistant
- neach-taice conaltraidh communications assistant
- neach-taice dhàimhean a-muigh external relations assistant
- neach-taice ionmhais finance assistant
- neach-taice rannsachaidh research assistant
- neach-taice rianachd administration assistant
- neach-taice rianachd administrative assistant
- neach-taice sa chlas classroom assistant
- Subject: General
- neach-teagaisg
- teacher
- n(m/f)
- neach-teagaisg - teacher poss cteachers - luchd-teagaisg pl
- Subject: General
- neach-tionnsgain
- entrepreneur
- n(m)
- neach-tionnsgain - entrepreneur poss centrepreneurs - luchd-tionnsgain pl
- Subject: General
- neach-togail-dhealbhan
- photographer
- n(m)
- neach-togail-dhealbhan - photographer poss cphotographers - luchd-togail-dhealbhan pl
- Subject: Art
- neach-turais
- tourist
- n(m)
- neach-turais - tourist poss ctourists - luchd-turais pl
- baile-turasachd tourist village
- goireasan turasachd tourist facilities
- làrach turasachd tourist site
- tàlaidhean luchd-turais tourist attractions
- Subject: Geography
- nèamh
- heaven
- n(m)
- nèimh - heaven poss cheavens - nèamhan pl
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- Neapal
- Nepal
- n(m/f)
- Neapal - Nepal poss c
- Rìoghachd Neapal Kingdom of Nepal
- Subject: Geography
- nearbh
- nerve
- n(f)
- neirbh - nerve poss cnerves - nearbhan pl
- nearbh claisneachd auditory nerve
- nearbh fradhairc optic nerve
- Subject: Science
- neart
- strength
- n(m)
- neirt - strength poss cstrengths - neartan pl
- cumhachd na gaoithe wind strength
- neart-gaoithe wind strength
- Subject: General
- Neidín
- Kenmare
- Subject: Geography
- neilaid
- neiloid
- n(m)
- neilaid - neiloid poss cneiloids - neilaidean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- Neiptiun
- Neptune
- n(f)
- Neiptiuin - Neptune poss c
- 'S e Neiptiun an t-ochdamh planaid bhon Ghrèin agus an tè is fhaide air falbh bhuaipe Neptune is the eighth and farthest planet from the Sun
- uachdar Neiptiuin the surface of Neptune
- Subject: Science
- neiptiunium
- neptunium
- n(m)
- neiptiunium - neptunium poss c
- sreath neiptiunium neptunium series
- Subject: Science
- neo-àbhaisteach
- non-standard
- adj
- aonadan neo-àbhaisteach non-standard units
- Subject: Mathematics
- neo-ainneart
- non-violence
- n(m)
- neo-ainneirt - non-violence poss c
- Subject: General
- neo-aisigeach
- intransitive
- adj
- gnìomhar neo-aisigeach intransitive verb
- Subject: Language
- neo-ath-nuadhachail
- non-renewable
- adj
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- neo-atharrachail
- rigid
- adj
- cumadh neo-atharrachail rigid shape
- Subject: Mathematics
- neo-bhitheach
- abiotic
- adj
- Subject: Science
- neo-bhrìgheil
- invalid
- adj
- Subject: Computing
- neo-cheangailte
- floating
- adj
- puing neo-cheangailte floating point
- Subject: Mathematics
- neo-chinnteachas
- indeterminism
- n(m)
- neo-chinnteachais - indeterminism poss c
- cinnteachas agus neo-chinnteachas determinism and indeterminism
- Subject: General
- neo-choltach
- unlikely
- adj
- as neo-choltaiche most unlikely
- as neo-choltaiche least likely
- Subject: Mathematics
- neo-chòmhragach
- non-combatant
- adj
- dreuchd neo-chòmhragach non-combatant job
- Subject: General
- neo-chòmhragaiche
- non-combatant
- n(m)
- neo-chòmhragaiche - non-combatant poss cnon-combatants - neo-chòmhragaichean pl
- neo-chòmhragaichean san Dàrna Cogadh non-combatants in the Second World War
- Subject: General
- neo-chothromach
- scalene
- adj
- triantan neo-chothromach scalene triangle
- Subject: Mathematics
- neo-chothromach
- unequal
- adj
- riarachadh neo-chothromach unequal sharing
- roinneadh neo-chothromach unequal sharing
- Subject: Mathematics
- neo-chothromach
- irregular
- adj
- cruth neo-chothromach irregular shape
- Subject: Mathematics
- neo-chrìochnach
- infinite
- adj
- deichead neo-chrìochnach infinite decimal
- sreath àireamhan neo-chrìochnach an infinite series of numbers
- sreath neo-chrìochnach infinite series
- Subject: ScienceMathematics
- neo-chrìochnachd
- infinity
- n(f)
- sùim gu neo-chrìochnachd sum to infinity
- Subject: Mathematics
- neo-chuidead
- non-proportionality
- n(m)
- neo-chuideid - non-proportionality poss cnon-proportionalities - neo-chuideadan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- neo-chuimseach
- misfit
- adj
- allt neo-chuimseach misfit stream
- Subject: Geography
- neo-chunbhalach
- inconsistent
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- neo-dhìreach
- indirect
- adj
- atharrachadh neo-dhìreach indirect variation
- co-chuid neo-dhìreach indirect proportion
- Subject: Mathematics
- neo-dhìreach
- inverse
- adj
- atharrachadh neo-dhìreach inverse variation
- co-chuid neo-dhìreach inverse proportion
- obrachadh neo-dhìreach inverse operation
- tainseant neo-dhìreach inverse tangent
- Subject: Mathematics
- neo-dhrùidhteach
- impermeable
- adj
- clach neo-dhrùidhteach impermeable rock
- Subject: Geography
- neo-dhruim-altachan
- invertebrate
- n(m)
- neo-dhruim-altachain - invertebrate poss cinvertebrates - neo-dhruim-altachain pl
- neo-dhruim-altachain cladaich seashore invertebrates
- neo-dhruim-altachain fhosaileach fossil invertebrates
- neo-dhruim-altachain fhosaileach cladaich fossil seashore invertebrates
- neo-dhruim-altachain fhosaileach mara fossil marine invertebrates
- neo-dhruim-altachain mara marine invertebrates
- Subject: Science
- neo-fhàs-bheairteach
- inorganic
- adj
- ceimigeachd neo-fhàs-bheairteach inorganic chemistry
- Subject: Science
- neo-fhoirmeil
- informal
- adj
- obraichean san roinn neo-fhoirmeil informal sector jobs
- Subject: General
- neo-iarannach
- nonferrous
- adj
- meatailtean neo-iarannach nonferrous metals
- Subject: Science
- neo-leantainneach
- discontinuous
- adj
- graf neo-leantainneach discontinuous graph
- Subject: Mathematics
- neo-leasaichte
- underdeveloped
- adj
- dùthaich neo-leasaichte underdeveloped country
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- neo-mheatailt
- non-metal
- n(f)
- neo-mheatailt(e) non-metal
- neo-mheatailtean non-metals
- Subject: Science
- neo-mheatailteach
- non-metallic
- adj
- Subject: Science
- neo-mhothachadh
- unconscious
- n(m)
- neo-mhothachaidh - unconscious poss c
- neo-mhothachadh agus fo-mhothachadh the unconscious and the subconscious
- Subject: General
- neo-raiseanail
- irrational
- adj
- àireamh neo-raiseanail irrational number
- Subject: Mathematics
- neo-riaghailteach
- non-standard
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- neo-riaghailteach
- irregular
- adj
- cruth neo-riaghailteach irregular shape
- Subject: Mathematics
- neo-shàthaichte
- unsaturated
- adj
- eadar-sgaoileadh neo-shàthaichte unsaturated solution
- saill neo-shàthaichte unsaturated fat
- Subject: Science
- neo-Sheimitig
- non-Semitic
- adj
- cànanan Afro-Àisianach neo-Sheimitig non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic languages
- cànanan neo-Sheimitig non-Semitic languages
- litreachasan neo-Sheimitig non-Semitic literatures
- Subject: Language
- neo-shìolach
- seedless
- adj
- lusan bhascular neo-shìolach vascular seedless plants
- lusan neo-shìolach seedless plants
- Subject: Science
- neo-shuidhichte
- arbitrary
- adj
- slat-tomhais neo-shuidhichte arbitrary standard
- Subject: Mathematics
- neo-speisealta
- non-specialised
- adj
- ceallan neo-speisealta non-specialised cells
- Subject: Science
- neo-thalmhaidh
- extraterrestrial
- adj
- creutair neo-thalmhaidh extraterrestrial
- saoghalan neo-thalmhaidh extraterrestrial worlds
- Subject: General
- neo-thorrach
- infertile
- adj
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- neodar
- neutral
- n(m)
- neodair - neutral poss cneutrals - neodaran pl
- eadar-sgaoileadh neodrachaidh neutralising solution
- neodrachadh neutralising
- neodraich neutralise
- Subject: Science
- neodimium
- neodymium
- n(m)
- neodimium - neodymium poss c
- magnait neodimium neodymium magnet
- neodimium ogsaid neodymium oxide
- Subject: Science
- neodrach
- neutral
- adj
- Subject: Science
- neodrachadh
- neutralisation
- n(m)
- iom-obrachadh neodrachaidh neutralisation reaction
- Subject: Science
- neodrachd
- neutrality
- n(f)
- Subject: Science
- neòinean
- daisy
- n(m)
- neòinein - daisy poss cdaisies - neòineanan pldaisies - neòinein pl
- Subject: Science
- neon
- neon
- n(m)
- neon - neon poss c
- solais neon neon lights
- Subject: Science
- neoni
- zero
- n(m) / adj
- neoni - zero poss czeros - neonithean pl
- dearbh neoni absolute zero
- Subject: Mathematics
- nì
- item
- n(m)
- nì - item poss citems - nithean pl
- nì co-cheangailte related item
- nithean sa chòmhradh items in discussion
- Subject: Computing
- Nicaragua
- Nicaragua
- n(m/f)
- Nicaragua - Nicaragua poss c
- Poblachd Nicaragua Republic of Nicaragua
- Subject: Geography
- niceal
- nickel
- n(m)
- niceil - nickel poss c
- airgead niceil nickel silver
- aloidh niceil nickel alloy
- niceal clòraid nickel chloride
- Subject: Science
- Niger
- Niger
- n(m/f)
- Niger - Niger poss c
- eaconamaidh Niger economy of Niger
- Subject: Geography
- Nigeria
- Nigeria
- n(m/f)
- Nigeria - Nigeria poss c
- Poblachd Fheadaralach Nigeria Federal Republic of Nigeria
- Subject: Geography
- Nìl Gheal
- White Nile
- n(f)
- Nìl Gheal - White Nile poss c
- Subject: Geography
- Nìl Ghorm
- Blue Nile
- n(f)
- Nìl Ghorm - Blue Nile poss c
- Subject: Geography
- nimbostratus
- nimbostratus
- sgòthan nimbostratus nimbostratus clouds
- Subject: Geography
- niobium
- niobium
- n(m)
- niobium - niobium poss c
- Subject: Science
- Nirribhidh
- Norway
- n(m/f)
- Nirribhidh - Norway poss c
- Rìoghachd Nirribhidh Kingdom of Norway
- Subject: Geography
- niuclas
- nucleus
- n(m)
- niuclais - nucleus poss cnucleus - niuclasan pl
- Subject: Science
- niuclasach
- nuclear
- adj
- armachd niuclasach nuclear weapons
- boma niuclasach nuclear bomb
- connadh niuclasach nuclear fuel
- cumhachd niuclasach nuclear power
- iom-obrachadh niuclasach nuclear reaction
- stèisean cumhachd niuclasach nuclear power station
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- niuclasail
- nucleic
- adj
- searbhag niuclasail nucleic acid
- Subject: Science
- niutron
- neutron
- n(m)
- niutron - neutron poss cneutrons - niutronan pl
- Subject: Science
- niutronach
- neutron
- adj
- reultan niutronach neutron stars
- rionnagan niutronach neutron stars
- Subject: Science
- nobelium
- nobelium
- n(m)
- nobelium - nobelium poss c
- Subject: Science
- nobhail
- novel
- n(f)
- nobhail(e) - novel poss cnovels - nobhailean pl
- stòras nobhailean grafaigeach graphic novel resource
- Subject: General
- nochd faileas-sgàthain
- reflect
- vb
- nochd faileas-sgàthain puing A air taobh eile an y-axis reflect point A in the y-axis
- Subject: Mathematics
- nochdan
- pop-up
- n(m)
- nochdain - pop-up poss cpop-ups - nochdain pl
- menu nochdain pop-up menu
- nochdain chasgte pop-ups disabled
- uinneag nochdain pop-up window
- Subject: Computing
- nocturne
- nocturne
- n(f)
- nocturne - nocturne poss cnocturnes - nocturnean pl
- Subject: Music
- nòd
- node
- n(m)
- nòd - node poss cnodes - nòdan pl
- nòd liomf lymph node
- Subject: Science
- nòisean
- crush
- n(m)
- nòisein - crush poss ccrushes - nòisein pl
- nòisean deugaire teenage crush
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- Nollaig
- Christmas
- n(f)
- Nollaig(e) - Christmas poss cChristmases - Nollaigean pl
- àm na Nollaig Christmas time
- an Nollaig Christmas
- Bodach na Nollaig Father Christmas
- Latha na Nollaig Christmas Day
- loinnearan Nollaig Christmas decoration
- Nollaig Chridheil Merry Christmas
- Subject: General
- not
- pound (£)
- n(m)
- nota - pound (£) poss cpounds (£) - notaichean pl
- luach an nota value of the pound
- Subject: Mathematics
- nota
- note
- n(f)
- nota - note poss cnotes - notaichean pl
- eas-sheirm notaichean note discord
- fuaim na nota sound of the note
- nota brìbh breve note
- nota co-fhuaimneach consonant note
- nota co-leantainneach consecutive note
- nota croitseit crotchet note
- nota dhotagach dotted note
- nota dublaid duplet note
- nota-buinn bottom note
- nota-ciùil musical note
- nota-maise grace note
- nota-tarsainn crossing note
- trast-nota passing note
- treòr-nota leading note (musical scale)
- Subject: Music
- nota-buinn
- bottom note
- n(f) / adj
- nota-buinn - bottom note poss cbottom notes - notaichean-buinn pl
- nota-buinn aona-tòna single tone bottom note
- Subject: Music
- nota-maise
- grace note
- n(m)
- nota-maise - grace note poss cgrace notes - notaichean-maise pl
- nota-maise a bharrachd extra grace note
- Subject: Music
- nota-tarsainn
- crossing note
- n(m)
- nota-tarsainn - crossing note poss ccrossing notes - notaichean-tarsainn pl
- Subject: Music
- notaireachd
- notation
- n(f)
- notaireachd - notation poss cnotations - notaireachdan pl
- clàr-notaireachd grid notation
- cliath-notaireachd standard musical notation
- staf-notaireachd staff notation
- Subject: Music
- Nuadh Linn na Cloiche
- Neolithic
- n phr
- Subject: History
- nuadh-chlasaigeach
- neoclassical
- adj
- ailtireachd nuadh-chlasaigeach neoclassical architecture
- Subject: General
- Nuadh-eòlas
- Modern Studies
- n(m)
- Nuadh-eòlais - Modern Studies poss c
- deuchainn Nuadh-eòlais Modern Studies examination
- goireasan Nuadh-eòlais Modern Studies resources
- Subject: Modern Studies
- nuadh-innleachd
- invention
- n(m)
- nuadh-innleachd - invention poss cinventions - nuadh-innleachdan pl
- nuadh-innleachdan agus peutantan inventions and patents
- Subject: General
- Nuadh-phlatonach
- Neoplatonic
- adj
- feallsanachdan Skeptic agus Nuadh-phlatonach Skeptic and Neoplatonic philosophies
- Subject: General
- nuadhachadh
- refresh
- n(m)
- nuadhachaidh - refresh poss crefreshes - nuadhachaidhean pl
- Subject: Computing
- nuadhaich
- refresh
- vb
- nuadhaich an duilleag seo refresh this page
- Subject: Computing
- nuance
- nuance
- n(m)
- nuance - nuance poss cnuances - nuances pl
- brìgh an nuance meaning of the nuance
- Subject: Music