Facail a’ tòiseachadh le:
Chan eil an litir seo anns an aibidil Ghàidhlig – cha bhi i a’ nochdadh ach ann am facail-iasaid
- Walsham a Tuath
- North Walsham
- n(m)
- Walsham a Tuath - North Walsham poss c
- Blàr Walsham a Tuath Battle of North Walsham
- Canàl Walsham a Tuath agus Dilham North Walsham and Dilham Canal
- Subject: Geography
- WC
- WC
- n(m)
- WC - WC poss cWCs - WCan pl
- Subject: Technical
- WebDav
- Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning
- n(m)
- WebDav - Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning poss c
- Subject: Computing
- WebDAV
- WebDAV
- n(m)
- Subject: Computing
- what now
- dè a-nis
- n phr
- Subject: General
- Wigtown
- Wigtown
- Fèis Leabhraichean Wigtown Wigtown Book Festival
- Subject: Geography
- wiki
- wiki
- n(m)
- wiki - wiki poss cwikis - wikithean pl
- Subject: Computing
- Windows Connect Now
- Windows Connect Now
- n(m)
- Windows Connect Now - Windows Connect Now poss c
- Subject: Computing
- Windows Explorer
- Windows Explorer
- n(m)
- Windows Explorer - Windows Explorer poss c
- Subject: Computing
- Windsor agus Maidenhead
- Windsor and Maidenhead
- n phr
- Windsor agus Maidenhead - Windsor and Maidenhead poss c
- Subject: Geography
- Wishaw
- Wishaw
- baile Wishaw town of Wishaw
- Subject: Geography
- Wolds Lincoln
- Lincoln Wolds
- n(pl)
- Wolds Lincoln - Lincoln Wolds poss c
- geòlas Wolds Lincoln geology of Lincoln Wolds
- Subject: Geography
- Wolds Siorrachd Iorc
- Yorkshire Wolds
- n(pl)
- Wolds Siorrachd Iorc - Yorkshire Wolds poss c
- geòlas Wolds Siorrachd Iorc geology of the Yorkshire Wolds
- Subject: Geography
- Wolds Siorrachd Lincoln
- Lincolnshire Wolds
- n(m)
- Wolds Siorrachd Lincoln - Lincolnshire Wolds poss c
- Rèile Wolds Siorrachd Lincoln Lincolnshire Wolds Railway
- Subject: Geography
- Wooler
- Wooler
- baile-margaid Wooler Wooler market town
- Subject: Geography