Facail a’ tòiseachadh le:
- Hàcraig
- Halkirk
- seann eaglais Hàcraig Halkirk old church
- Subject: Geography
- Haddington
- Haddington
- baile Haddingtoin town of Haddington
- Subject: Geography
- hafnium
- hafnium
- n(m)
- hafnium - hafnium poss c
- Subject: Science
- haibrid
- hybrid
- n(m)
- haibrid - hybrid poss chybrids - haibridean pl
- Subject: Science
- haidreolaig
- hydraulic
- adj
- einnseanaireachd haidreolaig hydraulic engineering
- Subject: General
- haidreòlas
- hydrology
- n(m)
- haidreòlais - hydrology poss c
- Subject: Science
- haidridean
- hydrogen
- n(m)
- haidridein - hydrogen poss c
- haidridean clòraid hydrogen chloride
- haidridean fluaraid hydrogen fluoride
- Subject: Science
- Haipearborach
- Hyperborean
- adj
- cànanan Haipearborach Hyperborean languages
- Subject: Language
- Haipearborach
- Hyperborean
- n(f)
- Haipearboraich - Hyperborean poss c
- Subject: Language
- Haiti
- Haiti
- n(m/f)
- Haiti - Haiti poss c
- Poblachd Haiti Republic of Haiti
- Subject: Geography
- Hale-Bopp
- Hale-Bopp
- n(m/f)
- Hale-Bopp - Hale-Bopp poss c
- Subject: Science
- haloidean
- halogen
- n(f)
- haloidean - halogen poss chalogens - haloideanan pl
- eileamaidean haloidean halogen elements
- Subject: Science
- Hamilton
- Hamilton
- muinntir Hamilton people of Hamilton
- Subject: Geography
- harmonaig
- harmonic
- n(f)
- harmonaig - harmonic poss charmonics - harmonaigean pl
- thar-thona harmonaig harmonic overtone
- Subject: Music
- harmonaig
- harmonic
- adj
- feartan harmonaig harmonic qualities
- Subject: Music
- harpsacord
- harpsichord
- n(f)
- harpsacord - harpsichord poss charpsichords - harpsacordan pl
- a' cluich harpsacord playing a harpsichord
- Subject: Music
- hasium
- hassium
- n(m)
- hasium - hassium poss c
- Subject: Science
- Hawick
- Hawick
- sgioba rugbaidh Hawick Hawick rugby team
- Subject: Geography
- heactair
- hectare
- n(m)
- heactair - hectare poss chectares - heactairean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- heileaport
- heliport
- n(m)
- heileapuirt - heliport poss cheliports - heileapuirt pl
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- helium
- helium
- n(m)
- helium - helium poss c
- bailiùn helium helium balloon
- Subject: Science
- hemidemisemicuèbhear
- hemidemisemiquaver
- n(f)
- hemidemisemicuèbheir - hemidemisemiquaver poss chemidemisemiquavers - hemidemisemicuèbhearan pl
- nota hemidemisemicuèbheir hemidemisemiquaver note
- Subject: Music
- Hindeach
- Hindu
- adj
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- Hindeach
- Hindu
- n(m)
- Hindich - Hindu poss cHindus - Hindich pl
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- Hiort
- St Kilda
- Eilean Hiort Island of St Kilda
- muinntir Hiort people of St Kilda
- Subject: Geography
- histogram
- histogram
- n(m)
- histogram - histogram poss chistograms - histograman pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- hoilmium
- holmium
- n(m)
- hoilmium - holmium poss c
- Subject: Science
- holografaidh
- holography
- n(m)
- holografaidh holography
- Subject: General
- Hondùras
- Honduras
- n(m/f)
- Hondùras - Honduras poss c
- Poblachd Hondùras Republic of Honduras
- Subject: Geography
- hòrmon
- hormone
- n(m)
- hòrmoin - hormone poss chormones - hòrmonan pl
- dìth hòrmon-fàis growth hormone deficiency
- hòrmon-fàis growth hormone
- Subject: Science
- Hoy
- Hoy
- Eilean Hoy Island of Hoy
- Subject: Geography
- n(m)
- HTML - HTML poss c
- Cànan Mharcaidh Haidhpirteacsa (HTML) Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
- dearbhadair HTML HTML validator
- dearbhadairean HTML HTML validators
- taga HTML HTML tag
- Subject: Computing
- n(m)
- HTTP - HTTP pl
- Pròtacal Iomlaid Haidhpirteacsa (HTTP) Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
- Subject: Computing
- humas
- humus
- n(m)
- humas - humus poss c
- Subject: Geography
- Hunndaidh
- Huntly
- Morair Hunndaidh Marquis of Huntly
- Subject: Geography
- huracan
- hurricane
- n(m)
- huracan - hurricane poss churricanes - huracanan pl
- Subject: Geography
- Hyakutake
- Hyakutake
- n(m/f)
- Hyakutake - Hyakutake poss c
- Subject: Science
- hypo-mheadhan
- hypocenter
- n(m)
- hypo-mheadhain - hypocenter poss chypocenters - hypo-mheadhanan pl
- Subject: Geography
- hypotenuse
- hypotenuse
- n(m/f)
- hypotenuse - hypotenuse poss chypotenuses - hypotenusean pl
- Subject: Mathematics